Lumiere London

As some of you may have seen there was a special light installation show around London last weekend and as I was free I popped along with my mum and brother. We saw part of the show on Thursday, heading to Trafalgar Square and Westminster Abbey and then most of the rest on Saturday.

The installations ranged from bottles in the fountains in Trafalgar Square, neon dogs in a window along the strand, a night circus animation shown on a building in Kings Cross to the front of Westminster Abbey being lit up in a stunning way. Below are some of the photos from the show:

The show in general was brilliant and very creative, and we had a great time on Thursday, but unfortunately on Saturday the crowds were way too big and were not managed. On the whole it didn't distract from the great installations, but it did mean that we could not see all the exhibits and I felt we couldn't enjoy it to the max. I hate to be negative, but I have to be honest. If Lumiere London returned in a few years I would like to go, but I may think twice as I would be worried about the uncontrolled crowds.
